
Archive for June, 2019

Truth about the enticing stare “kula kwa macho”

June 18, 2019 7 comments

Many a times, when walking on the streets of Nairobi city, I have seen men “appreciating the beauty” of God’s creation on women. It is unfortunate how extreme some guys (villagers) take this appreciation to the point they look like idiots, ‘drooling dummies’ as they gaze at badonkadonk or cleavage on a cute chikita causing accidents, at times conflicts with those they accompany. 😂😂

I have seen villagers turn midway on the streets to follow a voluptuous woman, I have seen guys tripping on pavements, slamming into posts, bumping into other people, impulse buying just to steal a glance …and its so weird how ‘normal’ this behaviour is in Nairobi, in London, in Dusseldorf. This sparks a ginormous, intense debate in the office with a few colleagues just to test how many people would think it was normal or strange.

17EF67D1-04C7-4E1F-909B-44536E4DAEC7.jpegBeing a secular environment, the office I work in is the gospel’s bountiful harvest field. Why do I say this? More than 90% of the men and women I spoke with about this think that it is normal for a man to steal a lustful stare towards a woman. In fact one villager challenged me, he ended up saying “If you don’t “Kula kwa macho” that stare, don’t expect satisfaction from your chic/wife, … you will have to find a willing clande to satisfy you for the moment”. 😱😱

This did not shock me because there is even worse out there. What shocks me is the oblivion that most Christians live in to these matters. I went to church the other day and my pastor shared an interesting statistic that more than 80% of people in the city do not attend church, but the country has over 70% of its population registered to be christian during the last census. Is it just a tag? A meaningless label for demographic sake?

The bible says “Even if you look at a woman lustfully, you will have committed adultry”, sin! Yarn for righteousness people, yarn for the truth through Jesus Christ, yarn for Heaven and Holiness. May God help us all, Amen.

Categories: Pornography